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plasma system中文是什么意思

用"plasma system"造句"plasma system"怎么读"plasma system" in a sentence


  • 等离子系统


  • 500kw plasma system
  • Influence of laser parameters on plasma arc beam shaping in the relativistic laser - plasma system
  • In the plasma system , there were c2h2 and ch3 ~ , the material source to produce carbon film
    在等离子体反应体系中存在着碳膜生存的物质源ch _ 2和ch _ 3 。
  • Due to the use of microwaves the plasma systems 400 and 660 provide for fast and damage - free plasma processing
  • Plasma system 7200 is a low pressure rf plasma system designed for general purpose cleaning and surface modification
  • Plasma systems 400 and 660 are low - pressure microwave plasma systems for cleaning advanced chip packages prior to die attach , wire bond and encapsulation
  • Rf plasma system 9200 is a barrel - type batch stripping system with optional high temperature capabilities for photoresist removal , nitride etch , and other cleaning applications in semiconductor and mems fabs
  • Zro2 ( 6 % y2o3 ) ( ysz ) nano - powders were perpared by dc non - transferred arc plasma systems . based on the tem and xrd analysis results of powde , the particle size of tsz was about 20nm with high purity more than 98 . 7 %
    采用直流电弧等离子体“喷射法” ,以草酸盐干凝胶粉为原料,制备出了平均尺寸为为20nm的ysz纳米粉末,粉末纯度大于98 . 7 。
  • Up to now , research on strong interaction with theory model , such as the diagnosing the signal of quark - gluon plasma existence , mostly based on quark - gluon plasma system in high energy heavy ion collision is in chemical and thermal equilibrium
  • Abstract : the effects of the impurity particles on the structure of a 2d dusty plasma system . the mean square displacement , pair correlation function have been calculated to analyze the system ' s structure characteristics . the results show that both of the impurity particles ' content and mass or charge in the range of our caleulation will decelerate the system ' s phase transition process . here the impurity particles are smaller than the background dusty particles on mass and charge
用"plasma system"造句  
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